Archive for 2023

Yes, the title says it all.

After a long battle, I was finally able to make new posts on my blog again. Whenever I posted previously, my posts would, by force, be set as drafts. That meant that only I could see them.

I appealed and this time Blogger got a real person to check my content on this blog and every restriction was lifted.

So what has happened during this time? I moved to Facebook, I played video games and I have been preparing an anime and manga Youtube channel. I am the kind of person to overthink stuff, so this preparation for the youtube channel is long overdue already. I need to follow my mom's advice, stop overthinking and just press the record button and talk.

Of course I'll be posting the links to my videos over here, so please look forward to them. I am aware my videos will have zero quality but I guess that's part of the wonder of watching videos on Youtube. You're watching a person in their bedroom, as they are and that's what I'm gonna do.

Also please, do not report my blog again because I don't wanna go through being unable to post for years again, without having anyone of the team of the website actually checking if my content is bad. God, they took too long to get a real person to check my blog.

Anyways, see you for now!

I can finally post again

Monday, 28 August 2023

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